Guide 1. Entering into the bussines world



11/05/2014 14:50
Activity 1.  Vocabulary     1.1.2 Open your Market Leader book on page 7 and develop exercise A on nationalities (use track 1.7 in your CD to verify your answers).   Brazilian  polish  Germany  Kuwaiti  French  Oman ...



11/05/2014 21:39
1.2. Grammar 1.2.2. Open your Market Leader Book on pages 1 and 11: Develop exercises A to F of Language Focus 1, and A to C of Language Focus 2.   Complete this information about Maristella with short forms of the verb to be. My name´s Maristella. I am Brazilian and I am from Sao Paulo. I...

Speaking and Writing

Speaking and Writing

11/05/2014 15:48
Speaking and writing 3.1.1 Meet a classmate online and go over case study 1 on page 13 of your Market Leader book. Then develop tasks 1, 2 and 3.   A job fair in Singapore   A film company is looking for a sales assistant Background You and a colleague work for the treadlight...

Final Project (Stage1)

Final project (Stage 1)

11/05/2014 15:52
4.1. Final Project (Stage1) 4.1.5. Create a blog, include the information above in such blog, and paste the link of your blog in the Word file.