Guide 3. People, strategy and companies



27/05/2014 08:23
Vocabulary 1.1.2 Open your Market Leader book on page 67 and develop exercises A to C on describing people.  A. Match the statements (1-10) to the adjectives (a-j). TheyThey are Like to spend time with other...



27/05/2014 09:17
Grammar   1.2.1 Open your Market Leader book on page 68 and develop exercises A to E of Language Focus 1.   A. Put these words in the right order to make sentences about problems at work.   The deadlines for the projects weren’t realistic. Most people didn’t leave the office...


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Speaking and Writing

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Final project (Stage 3)

Final project (Stage3)

27/05/2014 09:37
4.1.4. Finally create diagram comparing both companies (the one chose in stage 1 of this project, and the one you chose as its competitor). Use any collaborative and interactive tool to present this information –time lines, Prezi, graphs, etc. Remember that you have to use comparatives and...