
11/05/2014 21:39

1.2. Grammar

1.2.2. Open your Market Leader Book on pages 1 and 11: Develop exercises A to F of Language Focus 1, and A to C of Language Focus 2.


  1. Complete this information about Maristella with short forms of the verb to be.

My name´s Maristella. I am Brazilian and I am from Sao Paulo. I am a research analyst for an investment bank in New York. I am married with two children, a boy and a girl. They are at high school in Scarsdale. My husband is American and he is a doctor. My sister is in New York, too. She is a student at Columbia University. We are all interested in sports and movies. My son is a good tennis player.




C.Complete this chart about yourself. Then introduce yourself to a partner.

  1. Name: I am Jorge
  2. Job: I’m a sales manager.
  3. City: I’m from Colombia.
  4. Nationality: I’m Colombian.
  5. Interests: I´m marketing student.
  6. Favourite sports: I’m cicling sports.



D. Now write a paragraph about your partner. Use the text in Exercise A as a model.

My partner’s name is Nayla. She’s Colombian and she’s from Bogota. She is Microbiologist and she work at Servicio Geologico Colombiano. Her parents lives in Bogota, too. She likes play tennis and she is a good dancer.


  1. Complete these sentences with negative forms of to be.
  1. She’s Russian, but she isn’t from Moscow.
  2. They’re  Japanese, but they aren’t from Tokyo.
  3. He’s German, but he isn’t from Munich.
  4. I’m in sales, but I’m not the manager.
  5. The office is in Paris, But isn’t in the center.
  6. Her name is Sophia, but she isn’t Italian.


  1. Match the questions and answers about Sergio.
  2. Are you Spanish?                                                        a)No. I’m a marketing manager.
  3. Are you a sales manager?                                            b)No. She’s Mexican.
  4. Are you married?                                                         c)No. I’m Italian.
  5. Is your wife a manager?                                               d)No. She’s a lawyer.
  6. Is she Italian?                                                             e)Yes, I am. That’s a picture of my


Write the correct article (a/an) for each job.

  • an accountant
  • an architect
  • an artist
  • a cashier
  • a consultant
  • a director
  • a doctor
  • an engineer
  • an executive
  • a journalist
  • a lawyer
  • a manager
  • a office
  • a worker
  • a optician
  • a personal assistant(PA)
  • a pilot
  • a recepcionist
  • a research analyst
  • a sales assistant
  • a technician
  • a telephone operator
  • a trainee



C. Listen to three people talking about their jobs and complete this chart.




  1. What is his/her job?

An engineer

A lawyer

An architect

  1. Where is he/she from?
  1. Where is his/her office?

New York

  1. What does his/her partner do?

An IT consultant

A journalist

A househusband



1.2.3. Now go over exercises A to B on page 17 of your Market Leader book about present simple.


  1. Darren Throop works for Entertainment One, a media company in Toronto, Canada. Complete the article below about his working day using the verbs from the box.


Darren Throop gets up at 6 am and does some exercise in the gym in his house. At about 6:30, he has breakfast for this two daughters. Then he checks his e-mails in his home office. He drives to work. At lunch time, he likes a salad at his desk. At work, he spends a lot of time in meetings and on conference calls. He finishes his office day at about 5pm. He travels on business a lot, so he makes to spend all his free time with his family.


  1. Complete this information about Masami Kimura. Use the correct form of verbs in brackets.


I’m Masami Kimura and I’m married with two children, Aiko and Katsuki. The go to an international school. My husband’s name is Seito. He works for a shipping company, and I work for an international securities company.

We live in Tokyo, near Shinjuku. I travel to work by subway, but Sito drives to work. We both like sports and travelling. At the weekend, we play golf or we go camping.


1.2.4. Develop exercise A to E on Page 19 of your Market Leader Book about how to use expressions of frequency.

 A. Write the words in brackets in the correct place in these sentences.


1. She usually gets up early.

2. They always start their first meeting at nine o’clock.

3. We are never late for meeting.

4. I am busy often in the afternoon.

5. The office sometimes closes at 3pm.


B. Read these pairs of sentences. Cross about the incorrect word in sentence b) of each pair.

  1. a) He reads the papers every day.
  2. b) He always reads the papers.

2.    a) We eat in the company cafeteria four times a week.

       b) We usually eat in the company cafeteria.


3.    a) I work late once a month.

       b) I sometimes work late.


4.    a) The managers don’t go to business dinners at the weekend.

       b) The managers never go to business dinners at the weekend.


5.    a) The Company Director travels on business twice a week.

        b) The Company Director often travels on business.


C. An interviewer asks three people about their typical day. Listen and complete this table.



  1. What do you do when you get to work?

Say Hello to colleagues, check e-mail

Check e-mail diary, have a coffee

Have a meeting, reply e-mails.

  1. Where do you have lunch?

Go home

Don’t stop / usually sandwich

In a company restaurant.

  1. How often do you travel on business?

Not a lot.

Never travel.

A lot.

  1. What do you do at the weekend?

Meet friends for e-mail.

Invite friends for dinner or go to the cinema.

Read and listen music. Sunday plays golf.



1.2.5 Complete the exercises A to E on page 25 and A to B on page 26 of your Market Leader book.


A. Work in pairs. Match the questions (1-6) to the answers (a-f).


  1. What do you think about the new boss?                      a) Peter. He’s your line
  2. What time does the meeting start?                              b) He has to pay for the

           office party.

  1. Where does she live?                                                   c) You can leave at five
  2. Why does he need the money?                                    d) She’s very efficient.
  3. Who do I report to?                                                     e) In the city Centre.
  4. When do I finish work?                                                 f) It starts at two o’clock.


B. Put these words in the correct order to make questions.


  1. Weekend/work/they/Do/at/the/?

Do they work at the weekend?

  1. Pierre/in/sales/Does/work/?

Does Pierre work in sales?

  1. You/do/travel/abroad/How/often/?

How do you often travel abroad?

  1. you/spell/How/business/do/?

How do you spell business?

  1. Finish/does/the/meeting/When/?

When does finish the meeting?


C. Ask an answer these questions.


  1. What time/start work?                                - What time do you start work?
  2. When/finish work?                        - When do you finish work?
  3. Where/work?                                              - Where do you work?
  4. Who/report to?                                - Who does she report to?
  5. How often/work at the weekend?           - How often do you work at the weekend?



D. Make negative sentences. Use don’t (do not) or doesn’t (does not).


  1. I like meetings. (presentations)

I like meetings, but I don’t like presentations.


  1. We taste a lot of paper. (electricity)

We waste a lot of paper, but we don’t have electricity.


  1. They agree about most things (money)

They agree about most things, but they don’t have money.


  1. Susan sends a lot of e-mails.(faxes)

Susan sends a lot of e-mails, but she doesn’t send faxes.



E. Tick (X) the sentences that are true for you. Change the other ones to make them true. Then compare and discuss your sentences in pairs.


  1. I agree with my manager about everything. (X)
  2. I don’t work in teams very often.
  3. I always come to work/college on time. (X)
  4. I don’t like giving presentations. (X)
  5. I never take work home in the evening or at the weekend. (X)


A. Make sentences about what Marco has and doesn’t have.


  1. Marco has a company car. He doesn’t have a sat-nav.
  2. Marco has an Ipad, he doesn’t have as IPhone.
  3. Marco has an interesting job. He doesn’t have a high salary.
  4. Marco has some great colleagues. He doesn´t have a nice boss.
  5. Marco has a laptop. He doesn’t have a desktop computer at work.


B. Complete these questions with does have and do have.

  1. Do you have a new mobile phone?
  2. What kind of car does she have?
  3. Does the company have a restaurant?
  4. Do all the rooms have air conditioning?
  5. Do I have time to finish this?