
07/06/2014 21:35

1.2.2 Open your Market Leader book on page 98 and 99: develop exercises A to f of Language Focus 1.


A. Complete these sentences using the present continuous form of the verbs in brackets.

  1. Is Max coming to the meeting tomorrow?
  2. No, he’s not in the office. He is travelling on business all week.
  3. He is not coming back until next Monday.


B.Complete this text using the present continuous form of the verbs in brackets.

I’m meeting Mr Yamashiro next week. He’s arriving on Tuesday night. On Wednesday, I’m taking him to the factory. I´m not seeing him on Thursday, but I’m driving him to the airport on Friday.

C. Look a your diary. talk about three or four

1. I’m attending a seminar on Friday morning

  1. I’m visiting friends at the weekend.
  2. I´m going to vote next week.
  3. I’m studying all weekend.


D. Complete these sentences using going to…

  1. The computers are very slow. What are we going to do about it?
  2. We are not going to buy new computers. I think it´s too expensive.
  3. We are going to upgrade the software instead.


E. True (T) or False (F)

  1. Janine is going to change her job (T)
  2. She is going to do a course (T)
  3. She is going to go abroad for her summer holiday (F)
  4. Patrick is going to change his job.
  5. He is going to move to a new house (T)
  6. He is going to buy a new car (F)


F. Tick the plans below which are true for you.

Fixed arrangement for next week


  1. Going to study
  2. I’m going to vote
  3. I’m watching world cup
  4. I’m finishing English

Intentions for next year

  1. I’m having a new kid
  2. Buy a new bicycle
  3. Finish school
  4. Practice English


1.2.3 Open your Market Leader book on page 101: and develop exercises A to E of Language Focus 2 (all exercise can be developed individually).


A. Work in pairs.


  1. Desk phones and desktop computers will disappear in the next five years.
  2. Most companies will be open for business 24/7.
  3. As a result, it will not easy for staff to have a good work life balance.
  4. I think most companies will use social networking tools for internal communication.
  5. In many big companies, video conferencing will replace face to face meetings.
  6. As a result, managers no spend as much time travelling for work.
  7. I don’t think companies will use e-mail, except for external communication.


B. Work in pairs.

  1. Most people will work from home
  2. 3D meetings will be real.


C. Complete the sentences below with future time expressions from the box.

  1. Sales of luxury cars will double by next year.
  2. I’ll send you a copy of the report tomorrow morning.
  3. We’ll finish the work before the end of June.
  4. I´ll be back in the office the day after tomorrow.
  5. We’ll finish the work on the new building next July.
  6. In two weeks time, we’ll review the budget.
  7. We will need to modernize our factory in the next two years.
  8. Most people will have a fast broadband connection at home in five years time.


D. Match the statements (1-5) to the offers (a-e).

  1. I don´t have a hard copy of the report.                     b) I’ll print it out for you.
  2. I can’t find Sara’s address                              e) I’ll e-mail it to you.
  3. I think it’s time to go home                              d) I’ll give you a lift to the station.
  4. These boxes are so heavy                             a) I’ll carry one for you.
  5. I’m very thirsty                                                   c) I’ll get a drink from the machine.


E. I will make a welcome speech and hive snacks and drinks for everyone.



1.2.4 Now go over exercises A to C on pages 107 of your Market Leader book about the use of should/shouldn’t.


A. Complete the sentences below using should or shouldn’t and a phrase from the box.


  1. We should develop a better website.
  2. We should speak with our boss.
  3. We shouldn’t be late.
  4. She should stay for three days.
  5. You shouldn’t buy an expensive computer system   

B. Give the opposite advice by using should, shouldn’t or I don’t think.


  1. I don´t think he should get a salary increase.
  2. I think we shouldn’t launch the new product now.
  3. She should take customers to expensive restaurants.
  4. I don’t think we should take every customer complaint seriously.
  5. I don’t think staff should fly economy on every trip.



C. Work in pairs.

A: I’m going on a business trip. Do you have any advice?

B: You shouldn’t stay in a expensive hotel.


  • You should take plenty or business cards.
  • You shouldn’t arrange a lot of appointments on the same day.
  • You shouldn’t be late for appointments.
  • You should write a short report after each meeting.
  • You should keep all your receipts for travel and restaurants.

1.2.5 Developed exercises A to E on page 109 of your Market leader book the use of could/would.

A. These questions were asked on a plane journey. Decide whether they were asked by the flight attendant (F) or the passenger (P).


  1. Could I have another drink, please? P
  2. Would you like a newspaper? F
  3. Could you show me how to turn on the light, please? P
  4. Would you like another drink? F
  5. Could I have some mineral water, please? P
  6. Would you like coffee or tea? F
  7. Could you fasten your seat belt, please? F
  8. Could you help me find the movie channel, please?  P


B. Which of the questions in Exercise A are offers, and which are requests?

Offers: 2,4,6,7

Requests: 1,3,5,8


C. You are at a hotel reception desk. Use the verbs in brackets to make polite requests.

  1. Could I have a map of the city, please?
  2. Can you recommend me a good restaurant to go, please?
  3. Could you say that again, please?
  4. Can you make a photocopy of a document, please?
  5. Can I have the bill, please?
  6. Could you call me a taxi, please?


D. Listen to the request in Exercise C to check.


E. Listen again. How does the other person reply?


  1. Yes, I could or I can…
  2. No, I can’t or sorry I can’t or could not.


1.2.6 Complete exercises A to E on page 114 and A and B on page 117 of your Market Leader book.


A. Complete these sentences with the present perfect form of the verbs in brackets.


  1. I have given two presentations this month.
  2. I haven’t sent any e-mails today.
  3. He has changed jobs recently.
  4. Magda has being away on business all week.
  5. They haven’t had any experience in negotiating.


B. Match the job interview questions (1-5) to their answers (a-e)


  1. How many jobs have you had                                   e) I’ve worked for six companies.

since leaving university?

  1. Why have you changed jobs                                     c) I wanted to get experience of              so often?                                                                     Sales in different industries.
  2. What have you done that                                           a) I now have more responsibility   shows leaderships?  and I plan the sales strategy for

   the team.

  1. In what ways has your job                                        b) Well, I lead the sales team, I’m changed since you joined  also chairperson of a local                        the company?                          Business association.
  2. Have you ever worked with a                                  d) Well, the boss in my last                              difficult person?                                                      Company wasn’t very easy to


C. Now listen and check your answers.


D. Complete these interview questions using the present perfect form of the verbs in brackets.


  1. How have you changed over the last five years?
  2. What software programs have you used recently?
  3. What have you learnt from your other jobs?
  4. What sort of problems have you had to deal with?
  5. What part of your job have you enjoyed the most?
  6. Which countries have you visited for work/study?


E. Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions in Exercise D.

Page 117.


A. Read this article about Martin Reed’s career. Choose the past simple or the present perfect form of the verbs to complete it.


I think I have had an interesting career. I studied at Oxford University from 1997 to 2000. Then I have applied for jobs abroad. I have worked in Hong Kong for three years, and then I came to Japan in January 2004. I have been here for more than eight years and I still love it. I’ll never go back to the UK.

During my career, I have done a number of different jobs, too. I sold computer software in Hong Kong. I taught English for my first year in Japan. Since then, I have run my own training company. It is successful.


B. Tick the expressions below that you can use to complete this sentence.


Mr Kato has been very busy….

  1. This week
  2. For the last two weeks
  3. Since Monday
  4. Recently


C. Work in pairs. Take turns to talk about.