
13/05/2014 21:18

2.2 Listening

2.2.1 Open your Market Leader book on page 38 and develop exercises A to C on listening.


A. Listen to the first part of an interview with Liz Credè and answer these questions.

Why does she travel to:

  1. Amsterdam: To visit her clients.
  2. Singapore and Chicago: To visit her colleagues.

How often does she travel to:

a) Amsterdam: every month.

  1. Singapore and Chicago: two time a year
  • What is Liz favorite business location, and why?

Singapore because is in the old town


B. Liz says she likes flying business class and she likes staying in the same hotel. In pairs, predict why she likes doing those two things.

She like business class because of the lounge area and she can sleep on the plane


C.Listen to the second part of the interview and check your answers to Excersice B.


2.2.2 Go to page 47 of your Market Leader book and develop exercises A, B and D on listening.


A.Jeremy Keeley is a specialist in change leadership. Listen to the first part of an interview with him. He is Talking about how he entertains business contacts and his favourite entertainment. Complete these notes.

  • I like to get to know my contacts.
  • I give them a chance to tell me about themselves.
  • I take them places that we can talk .
  • We walked across a park together.
  • While we walked, we talked.
  • We spent the time talking about what was really important.


B.Listen to the second part of the interview and decide whether these statements are true (T) or false (F). Correct the false ones.

  • In restaurants, you should consider noise levels.                               (T)
  • Sometimes you need to take out clients you don’t like.                     (F)

Don’t take out clients you don´t like

  • Do not take vegetarians to steak restaurants.                                    (T)
  • You should spend a lot of money entertaining.                                   (F)

Don´t make it too expensive


2.2.3 Develop exercises A to C on page 56 of your Market Leader book.

A.Use words from the box to complete the Dart leaflet below.

Dart Cart Hire

*Save up to 50% on selected models.

*Three days for the price of two.

*Free insurance and unlimited mileage.

*Extra 10% discount until the end of July.

*For a limited period only.


B.Decide whether these sentences about the Dart leaflet are True (T) or False (F)

  1. There is an extra cost for insurance.                                                     F
  2. The customer can get some deals for half price.                                    T
  3. The price is cheaper if the customer is quick.                                        F
  4. The offer is for the whole year.                                                              F
  5. Gold Club members have a choice of reward.                                         T
  6. Gold Club members get their receipts by express post.                          F


C.Rewrite the false statements in Exercise B to make them true.

1-There is no extra cost for insurance.

3- The price is sheaper if the costumers is a member.

4- The offert is four a limited period.

6- Gold club members get there receipt by email.


2.2.4 Check your answers by reading the audio scripts on pages 161, 162 and 163.

2.2.5 Open this video and answer the questions as follows in the word file to be delivered:

- According to John, what is e-commerce?

Chand of distribution and sales  

- How many categories of service need to be done in order to run an effective e-commerce channel?

6 categories.

- What is the purpose of having customer service staff?

To takes care of customers.

- What does empower the e-commerce?

Shopping cart engine,(style guide).

- What can of help can a style guide provide?

Easier for customer to shop. 

- What is the purpose of using photographs?

To sell the product  to show it.

- What is the strategy Mr. tomich considers the most significant one?

Marketing services

- According to John, are the strategies negotiable?
