
07/06/2014 22:03

2.2.1 Open your Market Leader book on page 98 and develop exercises B to F on listening.

B. She use LinkedIn

2.2.2 Go to page 106 of your Market Leader book and develop exercises A to E on listening.

A. John’s story. Answer these questions.

  1. What meals was John invited to? Dinner.
  2. What did he look at? A beautiful table.
  3. What was his mistake? He didn’t want a gift. 

B. Cameron’s story. Answer these questions.

  1. Where was Peter’s new job?
  2. What was his mistake?

 He did not use family names.


C. Susan’s story. Answer these questions

1 Where did Susan make her mistake? In a restaurant.

2 Who did she go out for a meal with? Sales staff.

3 What was her mistake? She poured her own drink.


D. Listen to Liz, Jeremy and Ros talking about cultural mistakes


Which speaker….




  1. Was working in East Africa?




  1. Was working with a Dutch colleague?




  1. Got straight down to business?




  1. Write long e-mails?




  1. Often adds funny comments in e-mails?




  1. Thought a colleague was abrupt and rude?







E. It is easy to make mistakes in other cultures. What other examples do you know?

Common words are very difficult the slang.



2.2.3 Develop exercises A to C on page 115 of your Market Leader book.

A. Listen to the first part on a interview with Liz Crede, and organization development consultant. Take notes on what he say about:

  1. Her current job: Is her ideal job.
  2. A Job she had over 20 years ago: She didn’t like the way they treat people.


B. Listen to the final part of the interview. Complete these notes on the advice that Liz gives.


  1. Take the opportunities that you are given and really learn as much as you can from them.
  2. Really listen to those around you and pay attention to what they are saying.
  3. Build relationships across the organization.
  4. Ask a question that demonstrates you’re really interested in the company.

2.2.4   Check your answers by reading the audio scripts on pages 165, 166 and 167.


2.2.5 Open this video  and answer the   questions as follows in the word file to be delivered:


  • Which types of cross-cultural problems does the video address?

Cross cultural stereotyping and communication problems

  • What is Miguel’s boss demanding in such a desperate way?

Equipment has not arrived.

  • Why cannot Carlos deliver the documents to his boss immediately?

They won’t be ready for two weeks.

  • According to the presenter, what is the project compared with?

A house or cards

  • According to Miguel, what are the main problems of working with Ms. Jones?

She doesn´t understand the problems.

  • Which solutions does Miguel propose to work with Ms. Jones?

To eat a costumers broker

  • According to Carlos. What are the main problems of working with Ms. Jones?

She is not clear, language problems

  • Which solutions does Carlos propose to work with Ms. Jones?

She needs to express better with gestures to be clear.