
07/06/2014 19:42

2.1.2 Developed exercises A to D on page 99 and 100 of your Market leader book (the exercises can be developed individually).


A. Work in pairs. Ask and answer these questions.

  1. What mobile phone do you have?   I have an IPhone
  2. How often do you use it each day? I use that all day, many times.
  3. What do you mainly use it for? I use that for make a calls and send text messages.
  4. Do you use the same mobile for business and private calls? Yes, I do.


B. Do you find anything surprising in his use of communications technology?

  1. Answer these questions.
  1. How many mobile phones does Mr Colao have?

He has four mobile phones.

C. What does he use these phones for?

  1. Blackberry: For business and e-mail                
  2. b)Samsung 360: For social networks


D. Find words in the article with these meanings.

  1. Swap
  2. Access
  3. Disciplined
  4. Enthusiastic





2.1.3 Read article Lessons in cultural difference on page 108 of your Market leader book and developed exercises A to F (the exercises must be developed individually).  Send these exercises in the word file corresponding to study Guide 2. DO NOT take photos of the pages and paste them on the word file; you have to type these exercises (including the instructions).


A. Do you agree with these statements?

1. All meetings should have fixed start and finishing times.

I agree

2. Being on time is equally important in all situations.

I agree

3. it’s more important to learn about the culture of the country you do business with than to learn the language.

I don’t agree

4. There’s no point having a detailed plan before you start a project. Things always change, and need to be very flexible.

I don’t agree


B. As you read to the article below, think about this question.

What are two main causes of cultural misunderstanding between Brazil and    China?

Timing and planning


Lessons in cultural difference


C. Decide whether these statements about the article are true (T) or false (F). Correct the false one.

1. Brazil´s biggest trading partner to day is the US.    

F (It’s now China.)

2. At Chinbra, students spend most of the time learning Mandarin.

 F (They study half the time cultural issues)

3. Charles tang thinks deals go grown mainly because of language problems.


4. For the Chinese, being on time is very important.


5. Brazilians don’t give a lot of importance to planning.



D. Work in pairs. Read the situation at the begging of the article again (paragraph 1) and discuss these questions.

1. What happened?

 The Brazilians were late

2. How to you think both sides felt about the situation?

They felt bad

3. For the next meeting with the Chinese, what could the Brazilians do differently?

Be on time


E. Find words in the article with these meanings.

1. Planned (paragraph 1)


2. Very important and needing attention (paragraph 3)


3. Problems (paragraph 3)


4. To be unsuccessful (paragraph 4)


5. When there is not enough of something (paragraph 4)


6. The last possibility date for doing something (paragraph 5)



F. Work in pairs. What practical advice would you give about studying or doing business in your country? Discuss two or three of these points.

Appointments                                             meetings/seminars

Giving gifts                                                  greetings

Planning and deadlines                                       making friends


2.1.4   Open your Market Leader book on page 115 and 116, read Helen Braoudakis profile, and developed exercises A to C ( the exercises must be developed individually).

A. Ask and answer these questions in small groups.

  1. Do you have a profile on a professional networking website such as LinkedIn?

           In Facebook and I use it to stay in contact with my family and friends.

  1. Does your company/university have a profile on a professional networking website?

           No, they don’t have.

  1. Discuss how a professional networking site can help individuals and companies / educational institutions.


B. Look at Helen Braoudaki’s profile on a professional networking site on a page 116. Put these headings in the correct place on the profile.

  1. Recruitment professional
  2. Specialties
  3. Professional summary
  4. Work experience
  5. Education
  6. Interest

C. Decide whether these statements are True (T) or False (F). Correct the False ones.

1. Helen did her Master’s in HRM in Melbourne. F / She did it in Sidney.

2. She has works for three different companies T

3. She always worked in graduate recruitment. F / She work as a Manager.

4. She has good communications skills. T

5. When she was at ADM Consulting, she was responsible for organizing summer internships. F / She arrange interviews and plan events.

6. She doesn’t have any experience outside Australia. T