Speaking and Writing

15/05/2014 20:43

Speaking and Writing

3.1.4 Open your market leader book on page 59, and read case study 6. Record discussion of task 2, 3 and 4. Use https://vocaoo.com/ or https://online-voice-recorder.com/es/  to record the discussion, and then paste the link on the word file to be delivered indicating the names of team members




3.1.6 Develop the writing activity on page 59: write a formal email (not exceeding one page long) to the manufacturer of one of the products and ask them to send you a catalogue, price list and sample of the product you are interested in (find also about their delivery date if you place and order).

Finally, include this writing activity in your word file to be delivered (please do not pastes texts as images; type them).


From: Jvargasm77721@correo.ean.edu.co        

To: Wctb enter prises

Subject: Information about robot


Dear Mr Wctb enter prises

I would like to know more about your product mememe toy. If you please could send my a catalog with a full descriptions of the products including this robot, a price list would be very helpful.

Before I decide to purchase this product I like you to send me a sample of this toy.

If I place an order how long will it take for you to delivery it?

Thank you for your attention and I will wait for your response.



Jorge Vargas M.


Inducarton ltda.