
07/06/2014 19:20


1.1.2   Open your Market Leader book on page 97 and develop exercises A to C on internal communication.

A. How do companies communicate with employes? What methods can you think of?

Email, phone, Skype.

B. Complete the text below using the words from the box

1. Print: Paper-based communications, e.g. magazines, newspapers, newsletters, forums, letters, notes and messages.

2. Face to face: Direct contact with other people, e.g. one to one meetings, team meetings, forums, conferences, briefings.

3. Workplace: Physical objects in the working environment or workspace e.g. notice boards, sings.

4. Electronics: Communications using computers, phones, televisions, etc e.g. DVD, e-mail, voicemail, SMS messages.

5. Company intranet: using social media to create an internal community. e.g. posting profiles, writing blogs and wikis.


C. Match each of the words in red in Exercise B to one of these definitions.

1. Upload

2. Blog

3. Upload – post

4. Channels

5. Wikis

6. Forums

7. Briefings



1.1.3   Now open your Market Leader book on page 105 and develop exercises A to E on company cultures.      

A. Different companies have different cultures and ways of working. Complete these sentences with the items in brackets. One of the items in each section cannot be used.


  1. Casual Fridays
  2. Uniforms


  1. Shift work
  2. Flexi time

Time off

  1. Public holiday
  2. Annual leave

Reporting procedures

  1. Face to face
  2. Written report

Types of meeting

  1. Informal
  2. Social


  1. Family names
  2. Job title


B. Would you like to work for an organization wich as:

Flexible hours


C. Match each phrase (1-5) to its explanation (a-e).

A positive company culture….

  1. Empower employees                     c) staff have a lot of control over their work


  1. Supports information                     a) new ideas and change are welcome



  1. Is customer focused                       d) the needs and wants of the customers always

come first.


  1. Rewards good performance         e) there is an incentive scheme for efficient


  1. Encourages trust all levels                       b) relationships between employees and

managers are open and honest.




1.1.4 On page 113 of your Market Leader book, develop exercises A to C on skills and abilities.


A. Complete the first part of the advertisement below with the verbs from the box. Use the words in brackets to help you.


  1. Lead a team of 25
  2. Set up  a new branch in Amsterdam
  3. Train new staff
  4. Increased sales in all markets
  5. Develop new products
  6. Improve communications between our head office and local branches.
  7. Cope with strict deadlines and work well under pressure.


B. Complete the second part of the advertisement with the verbs from the box.

In your present job, you:

  1. Manage a large department in the clothing industry
  2. Plan budgets.
  3. Organize sales conferences and trade exhibitions
  4. Motivate employees and sales teams to get the best results.


C. Describe your role in your present or a past job. Use the verbs from Exercise A and B.

  1. In my present job, I manage the sales department.
  2. In my old job, I had to deal with my boss.
  3. In my present job I manage the sales department.
  4. In my old job I had to deal with my boss.